Supporters of "Polocaust" resent the attention the Holocaust receives which is per their view exaggerated by Jews.[3] Proof that the Germans constructed a gas chamber to kill non-Jews, coupled with as many as 200,000 additional victims of the Warsaw Uprising, leading to 400,000 non-Jewish victims in Warsaw would create a parity between Jewish and non-Jewish Poles and would make the Holocaust less unique.[3][16]

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I always knew she was my girl! :animu_lovestruck:

@gibbon @UncleIroh

You see you fell for the police trap

Some police officer will pretend to be Greta and ask you to meet somewhere on a date

Then they will arrest you saying you knew Greta was under age

That is their plan to use Greta to arrest anti-semites

@UncleIroh @gibbon

If that post is illegal then remove it so we do not get banned or worse

I do not know the legality of it

I did not post it you did

@gibbon @shortstories

Yup. You get to choose between
Gilf Greta vs AI Greta-san

@gibbon @shortstories

She's a massive hippie too so you can count on her having a big ole furry smelly pelt down there.


@UncleIroh @gibbon

(11)the term “indistinguishable” used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor

It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

@shortstories @gibbon

You know that St Greta of Toonberg is 20 years old right?

@UncleIroh @gibbon

Some of the actors that play the character Greta might be underage boys with long hair other actors might be woman or girls?


"It is illegal to watch porn if the people in the video are or appear to be under the age of 18"
"appear to be under the age of 18"

If Greta is over 18 but looks under 18 she is outlawed in Australian videos because they discriminate against body types


@UncleIroh @gibbon

A cartoon / comic picture of someone who is over 18 where the cartoon picture looks under 18 is illegal in the United Statss under certain circumstances since they do not go by the constituition

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@shortstories @gibbon

I really don't give a shit, be scared all you want of a 20 year old retard and her AI representations. Have at it.

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