Protesters take to the streets of New York City in solidarity with the Palestinian people.



@Nazareno how many people go out protesting that have like mortgages and families to feed?
because western protests are just jerk off sessions by people who wont go do anything on the ground for their cause
comfy jerk offs
@dictatordave @Nazareno Youth movements have historically been what pushed revolutions and part of that is the lack of obligation/participation in the greater scheme of society. I've long thought mandatory civil service would make for better citizenship for this reason.

@BowsacNoodle @Nazareno @dictatordave

Protesting is a way to get arrested

People should hand out pamphlets explaining the truth about the Jewish religion and talk to people offline about the evils of Jewish religion practitioners in a individual basis instead of in large crowds full of criminal cops disguised as protestors

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@shortstories @BowsacNoodle @Nazareno i'm all for that

but i think in florida that would get you arrested if i'm not mistaken about zion ron's anti billeting law
@shortstories @dictatordave @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle Ron's law would probably get struck down for being anti 1A.

Though all these cuckservatives somehow were quiet during BLM niggers on campuses or La Raza on campuses. But got roused up for BDS on campus, which is pretty much a small group compared to BLM or La Raza.

@shortstories @BowsacNoodle @Nazareno @dictatordave Bad idea. Handing out pamphlets is literally a felony hate crime in America now.

@caekislove @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle seriously no shit it is, especially if its anti zionist which the government just magically made no different from anti semitism
@dictatordave @caekislove @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle You can leave pamphlets for people, you can wear gloves to not leave prints.

@JustJohnny @dictatordave @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle Well yeah technically you can do any crime you want so long as you don't get caught. Get caught leaving a piece of paper on the ground that might offend a jew though and you'll face literally hundreds of felony criminal counts.

@caekislove @JustJohnny @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle when i come to power i'll make it a capital offense to think your feelings being hurt means jack shit

so tired of kikes and niggers and their endless hurt feelings being used to brow beat society off a cliff

@dictatordave @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle Exactly. Many of the "anti-semitic" college protests that conservatives are whining about are actually being led by anti-zionist jews.

@caekislove @dictatordave @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle >anti-Zionist Jews

If even that. Most of them are just liberal Jews who still support Israel but at least have to keep up appearances of including Palestinians. Sure, some of the leadership may support a two-state solution, but the influential plurality are concerned about managing the opposition to Israel.

@TheEternalBungholio @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle @dictatordave Believe it or not there's quite a few jews, especially in America, who vehemently oppose the entire concept of a jewish state. They say it's against the Talmud or some shit. So technically they support a one-state solution (Palestine) 😂

EDIT: These guys have a big college campus presence

@TheEternalBungholio @caekislove @shortstories @Nazareno @dictatordave I think the larger point is dialectical control. Doesn't have to be overt and schemed up, but if this group is allowed to exist on college campuses vs something like a nationalist group getting shut down, it's classic case of selective enforcement creating the narrative.
@BowsacNoodle @TheEternalBungholio @caekislove @shortstories @Nazareno interesting i havn't seen anything down at the university of delaware and they usually have some antifa or blm or wahmenz supremacy protests, small ones, but you'll see them

i wonder what the temperature on the issue is down there

this whole thing with jews and palestine doesn't seem organic and doesn't seem to be all over the place, def meant for photo ops and public talking heads on tv and in front of congress

@BowsacNoodle @TheEternalBungholio @shortstories @Nazareno @dictatordave Exactly. If some juice or mudslimes walk around campus saying "Death to Israel" it's A-OK, but if White Christian men were to walk around campus chanting "Death to Israel", they'd call the National Guard. That's the "context" those University Presidents were talking about when they testified before Congress.

@caekislove @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle @TheEternalBungholio @dictatordave Awright cuh so whachoo be sayin n sheeit is that I be makin dat deah muhfuggin Owl tawkin sheeit aw hell naw he schizo fuck main muddafudda doo wop he reddit as hell :smiley_finger:
@dictatordave @caekislove @shortstories @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle @TheEternalBungholio muh fuh guilteh geah muhfuckin shounen anime make me basenrehpill gnawmean I giddat tampon bakpak nigguh wuhchoomean I ain no girlboss bitch I be duh baddiss bitch on duh blawk I got dat cash money nigga I show fediverse admins muh tee-tees aint nobody scurr yo reddit ass muhfuggih schizo shit bitch daaaayuuuuuuum mercedes dealership n sheeit sail of foam I got dat ifoam plus main on gawwwww :senko_scare:
@caekislove @BowsacNoodle @shortstories @Nazareno @TheEternalBungholio makes it pretty clear who the real power in the country is

the government knows it, the kvetching kikes know it, the nig nogs know it

and we with the trillion rounds of ammunition and the most field guns know it too
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