2023 has been a net positive overall IMO.

It was the year that:

* "Woke" fell into a bear market. 🔥 It took a crazy trans-man gunning down white schoolgirls to get it started, which kicked off Mulvaney, which kicked off the Bud Light ban, etc.. but here we are.

* The Great Noticing finally started. Jewpilling and Zionist power got some sunlight. It's taking the genocide of Palestinians to wake people up, but again .. here we are.

Some L's taken, but the overall direction is white pill.

@UncleIroh I feel like we've reached the end of "time to wakeup, smell the bullshit!", next year is the start of "time to apply what we learned, or die assholes!".


Lol, not gonna happen. However ..

2024 is going to be off the charts crazy. Election year faggotry dialled up to 11.

Posting F in the chat in advance for the unknowns who are going to get deleted as collateral damage for whatever false flag shitshows the FBI/CIA have planned.

@UncleIroh We'll that's what I mean, there's no more time to fuck around on either side, the shadow governments are going to have to continue racheting up the authoritarian autism as the population slowly raises from their medically induced comas, & the people just starting to pay attention are going to have to really cram school themselves about everything they've let slide to this point with the powers at play who have been fucking all of us while in a stupor. Black pillers especially are going to have to decide if they really want to surrender & off themselves, or do something more than root for the end of days.


Right, so you mean it will be a year of "choose". Yeah, I mostly agree with that.

Once you realize you're being raped in the ass, then yes, you have to at least stop yourself being ass-raped, even if all you can do right now is shuffle away with your pants around your ankles. Hehe.

Those who let it continue can die of AIDS.

@UncleIroh I can't tell you how many years I kept hearing for example about "rapid inflation" & the response "yeah, but when LOL", & here we fucking are, took a strange route, but nonetheless it's here just like people were saying. The dumbest among us don't suffer enough, only the poorest.

@fal1026 @UncleIroh

If wages keep going up when inflation goes up it just might prevent people from saving or buying a house but still provide enough to pay rent

This might just result in most of the population being perpetually enslaved to ever worsening employment because of rent or property tax combined with vagrancy laws

It might be a slow and tortorous death through employment based slavery that lasts on average 70 years for males & 80 years for females with the system never collapsing

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@shortstories @fal1026 @UncleIroh Both Parties are created to keep the realm reset, truth from coming out and forum of tax cattle control over the ethnic goyim of this world

NWO 2030-2050 will happen

No amount of
will change a fucking thing

Central Banks
the state system

keeps it funded and churning away

Tax cattle refuse to give up on national state slavery

@shortstories @fal1026

That would be the darkest timeline IMO but it would be like the coin toss landing on it's side; highly improbable, near impossible.

One way or another we're headed for a Great Reset.

@UncleIroh @shortstories The complete lack of common sense, courage & willingness to use violence in an organized manner(that isn't state controlled), cops & soldiers who the state fucked over not just in the coof lockdowns should be the source of effective force against the government, especially those with families, if they're not going to do the right thing when presented with a moral & logical case? Nobody's going to if the fuckery escalates(which is likely).
@shortstories @UncleIroh Not "might", it is, I'm perfect example of it, lost a perfectly fine full time job in 2010 that I would've gotten by with at 10$ an hour, the answer lies somewhere it price control, wages have always been stagnant & everytime the government or Wall Street fucks with prices then the plebs want pay increase which has not changed the real problem. Stop increasing prices & control spending or theft, which are the real sources of price fluctuation.

@fal1026 @UncleIroh

Some of the rich in the parasite class who did not earn their riches through honest work might want might want price fluctuation for reasons of the power dynamics it grants them over poor and working class people

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