Hot take:

I think Obama was gay.

I know everyone talks about Michelle but hear me out.


Helped legalize gay marriage

Repealed don't ask don't tell allowing fags to openly join the military.

Tried to force countries around the world to support LGBT.

Alot more:

Why go so hard for a community you aren't apart of? 🤔

Keep in mind he was marketed as this Black man breaking barriers.

Let's be real, he really didn't do much for black people but he sure went hard for the LGBT folks.

He may be backed by some rich gays like Peter Theil but I still stand by my theory.


Obama's wife was a man if you still have not figured out that Obama is at least a homosexual who is married to a Male cross dresser by now then I do not know what to tell you

Obama could be a pure homosexual or bisexual or something else in addition to a homosexual

But Obama is a homosexual whatever else he might or might not be

Pretending Obama really exists

Presidents are probably played by actors

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