Something about what was said in this video is worth bringing up. Not whether or not she is an idiot for being a communist, but the "I protested against Obama" part.

I do not doubt that she did. The reason why those like Piers Morgan do not believe her is because when she was protesting Obama, it got ignored because she was not useful to the leftist establishment. They only care to highlight such protests when someone on the right is in power.

So if you ever wonder "where is the anti-war left when Obama is dropping bombs on foreign countries?" they are probably out there protesting all the same. It is just that they are only amplified as "important" by the media when it is convenient to their narrative.

This applies for many, many other issue, because it turns out that leftist useful idiots are no longer important once the left has power.



Or maybe most protestors on the news are paid actors working for the people or sentient beings who own the government, media, large religious instuitions and big corporations whose names are never mentioned by these entities

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@shortstories That certainly happens too. I am talking about those that are "true believers." The true believers are always there, and they can certainly always have their numbers padded by paid protestors too. That is part of the propaganda, to say "look how many people are protesting!"

When someone on the left is in power, then those paid protestors are no longer padding the numbers, while the true believers are still there, ignored by the media as they are no longer useful.

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