Based Bagel's common sense Tax Code:

1. Flat 10% Federal tax Simple > Complex "fairness"

2. NO fancy deductions or Credits

3. Employers work with IRS to do employees taxes EU style. 🖕 Tax software

When it comes to business taxes I'm open to suggestions as there are some good reasons that justify more complexity.

@basedbagel Rather than 3, I think it would be better if the IRS just hand you a detailed invoice with where everything comes from, no invoice no need to pay taxes.
They are the ones who get the money it should be their problem.


@doggel @basedbagel

The IRS forces you to fill out tax forms and calculate your own tax

Then if they do not like the numbers you calculated they assign a different value and say that you did not pay enough in taxes and can punish you

They should instead tell you how much they think you owe them first and you should not be forced to do any tax calculations unless you disagree with the number they calculated

It is like they have a secret answer they will not give you unless you guess wrong

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