A male birth control pill would end the abortion debate

@basedbagel Male birth control has already been in the process of development, I want to say since the early 2010s. I think there’s two forms but the one I’m familiar with is Vasogel, it’s basically a synthetic polymer that you can inject into the vas deferens(sperm carrying tube) and its blocks the sperm from traveling through the vas deferens into the urethra. The sperm is reabsorbed into the body, and it can be reversed by injecting a sodium bicarbonate solution, no side affects.

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

Male birth control would not end the abortion debate

Abortion is a religious sacrament

Some people will get pregnant for the express purpose of saying they got an abortion

Men already have condoms and vasectomies but still do not use those available birth control methods to avoid getting people pregnant who they claim they did not intend to get pregnant

Just like women can claim to have forgotten to use a pill, men can also claim to have forgotten a pill

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

Outlawing abortion would only prevent pro abortion people from getting abortions which would result in more pro abortion parents raising children and teaching them a pro abortion value system resulting in abortion becoming legal again only possibly worse with more anti life policies like maybe mandatory abortion policies like one child policies with mandatory abortion for people who have additional children for example and more people voting for more welfare

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

Fetus as less than fully human
Rabbinic Judaism does not regard the fetus as a full human being. While deliberately killing a day-old baby is murder, according to the Mishnah, a fetus is not covered by this rule.[9] In the reading of Biblical homicide laws, rabbinic sages argue that homicide concerns an animate human being (nefesh adam from Lev. 24:17) alone, not an embryo... because the embryo is not a person (lav nefesh hu).[10]



@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

"Legal rulings
In the standard code of Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, therapeutic abortion is permitted; Maimonides's language, speaking of the fetus as pursuer, is included verbatim.[24] A key commentator, R. Joshua Falk, explains that abortion does not trade off one life for another life because the embryo is "not a person" prior to birth.[36] "


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@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

"In a key responsum, R. Yair Bacharach found it permissible to perform an abortion on a woman who became pregnant after an affair, causing the child resulting from this pregnancy to be classified as a mamzer."


Judaism and abortion wikipedia

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

Various Jewish scholars have expressed additional lenient stances on abortions under specific circumstances. These include contemporary scholar Eliezer Waldenberg, who argued in favor of abortions in cases of serious birth defects or extreme mental or psychological danger to the woman.[42]"


@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

I’m a rabbi and a scholar in residence at the National Council of Jewish Women, which fights to preserve the right to abortion and expand access to the procedure. Our organization’s Rabbis for Repro network includes more than 1,800 Jewish clergy of every denomination committed to supporting abortion access for all. My activism is grounded both in Jewish law and in my tradition’s understanding of our profound commitments to one another.


@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

TST Health provides free religious telehealth medication abortion care, courtesy of The Satanic Temple.


Anton LaVey, was Jewish by birth


Anton Szandor LaVey[1] (born Howard Stanton Levey; April 11, 1930 – October 29, 1997) was an American author, musician, and Satanist.[2] He was the founder of the Church of Satan and the religion of Satanism.


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