For everyone that gave me shit for being anti-drugs:

This bitch stabbed a dude 100 times under cannabis psychosis and will walk free after some community service.

If drugs were illegal she'd be in jail

@basedbagel If 19th Ammenment wasn't a thing she would be in a house sucking her husband Dick instead of cannabis joinks.

Au contraire my friend.

Housewives have a LONG history of drug abuse and pill popping.

Look it up when you get a chance.

But I'll always support repealing the 19th.

Men had to own land, fight wars, build society to vote.

Women had to bitch incessantly and wait until everything was made easy and safe by men


@basedbagel @VeganMGTOW

The problem is not legalizing drugs but legalizing violence for people who chose to use drugs ( as opposed to people who were given drugs without their consent )

If someone uses a lot of drugs then commits a violent crime then they should go to jail for that crime

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