I knew was not an organic movement when no one talked about Dan Schneider.


The moment you boosted my post I knew I fucked up

But in fairness even normies know Jews are overrpresented in Hollywierd/ entertainment industry


Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken are Jewish


Following the exposure of numerous sexual-abuse allegations against film producer Harvey Weinstein in October 2017,[7][8] the movement began to spread virally as a hashtag on social media


@shortstories @basedbagel i'm shocked to see followers of a religion that says to rape the goy, are raping the goy



Ok Bill Cosby was railroaded in court.

I'm not saying he's innocent but I looked at his case and it's clear he didn't get a fair trial.

Cosby is a boomer and it was quite common to take drugs and have sex back then. it was kinda their thing.

@basedbagel @dictatordave

Other than his joke about the drugs it looks like there is no reason to believe he was guilty

As for the drugs what they did as an effect was an important question

If he really was guilty than these women are monsters protecting someone so that person can victimize other people waiting for years until it benefits them the most to bring the charges at the expense of other women

@shortstories @basedbagel dumb whores love doing drugs and being sluts, then when they hit the wall and ooze through it they seem to have a fuckin problem with their own behavior and how they look to randos on the internet, its truly a sickness



>then when they hit the wall and ooze through it

NGL I was rolling laughing! 😂

So cold yet so true

@basedbagel @shortstories may as well laugh not to cry about the state of the world


No tears left to cry after the vax. I'm quite content these days

I made my plan to leave the country and I no longer have any emotional investment in society or normies.

Everytime i tried to help the latter has bit me in the ass and slowed me down.

@basedbagel @dictatordave

No where to escape to

Max Igan thinks Mexico is the best in the short run but not even that will last

I would suggest each town has a different culture & find one that is not zionist but has lots of guns & farmers & a water source & that the right town is more important than the right country



Do you guys get your rocks off looking for any and every reason to talk about Jews?

This is an unhealthy obsession at this point and it needs to stop.

What does trolling me online accomplish anyway?

I already see what you see i just don't feel the need to state the obvious every post

@basedbagel @shortstories well, i mean it got a reaction from you, so that was pretty funny
not like really funny, but kinda funny
show nose kike nigger
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