@basedbagel Is More simple than that The answer Is nigger whaman feelings remember they have The stronger Victim Card above all other.
Why hasn't the government started to promote smoking again to reduce the population in a blatantly obvious manner of promoting smoking?
Food control is mind control
In the past the Unification Church / Moonies promoted a low protein diet to make mind control easier
When people pointed this out then they switched to a regular or high protein diet because they wanted to protect their reputation and the mind control program could work on a healthy diet also although possibly not as well
The diet was not the primary means of mind control but a secondary tool to make it more effective
Mind control vía nutrition Is actually a plausible idea The 3 nutrients that you need to keep low in order to make people easier to mind control
Vitamin B12
Omega 3
That Is why farmers are sheep Christians that you can Tell they aren't The smarter one AND follow The closest politian or priest. The same goes to Niggers in The cities.
Most everyone except vegans gets enough B12, even vegetarians get B12 through dairy or eggs
Iodine is in a lot of foods like grains, milk, soybeans and I doubt there is a massive iodine deficiency
Out of those three the one people are most likely to be missing is Omega 3 fats in my opinion
Promoting food addiction to luxury foods that are focused on taste not nutrition could control a population in the same manner as drug addiction