Ukraine, bringing Nazis and Jews together...
@Based_Accelerationist Will they summon rabbi Ben Shapiro to suck the blood of all those foreskin-free penises?
The Jews where a 666 Kaaba cube of saturn on their forehead called a teffillin or phylactery and wrap that 666 teffillin on their right hand
@shortstories @Zeb @Based_Accelerationist Remember the Holocaust is just a trigger word to mk-ULTRA white people to Made them do will of the Zionist.
@Zeb @VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist
It is not a theory
It is actual cult mind control in practice
You have to use a word to make them fear thinking about certain things
If they hear the word holocaust
Then it causes them to fear there will be a holocaust if they do not do whatever the Jews want
Then they do not think about what will happen if they do not do what the Jews want because they are afraid that even contemplating that possibility could lead to a holocaust