Those that claim young children are trans because "they came to that conclusion on their own" are full of shit. Anyone who has been around children for long periods of time know how impressionable they are.
I get a strong suspicion that the people pushing this tranny ideology are using the fact that a lot of childless people are completely unaware of how impressionable young children are. Because the tranny pushers who groom young children most certainly are aware of this.
From what I remember reading in the past
Sex offender victims who are minors are approximately 50% male and 50% female
Approximately 1/3 of minor attracted persons are homosexual, 1/3 bisexual and 1/3 heterosexual
Presuming only male pedophile sex offenders are counted
Unless at least half of male population is homosexual or bisexual then if someone is Homosexual or Bisexual then they are more likely to be a sex offending pedophile than if they are heterosexual
Studies have shown that pedophiles on average have a below average IQ and are left handed more often than the general population
I believe these studies are biased and only looked at sex offending pedophiles who got caught or framed who were imprisoned
I suspect if a study was conducted only on minor attracted persons who had enough self control not to commit crimes or who were sneaky enough not to get caught committing crimes
Then their IQ would be above average