I am not saying the Ashkenazi so called Jews belong in Europe
I am making a historical claim that Ashkenazi's were found in Europe before they traveled to Israel based on mainstream history
Where as the so called Palestinians were found in Israel before the Ashkenazi so called Jews arrived when the State of so called Israel was fabricated
Those of the "Jewish" religion should not own any country,, instead they should be put them in re-education centers until they change their ways
What if there is a parasite culture and or parasite being
They impersonate a group & wipe out that group to extinction so that no members of that group can snitch on them for exterminating them
They then infect the next group pretending to be refugees who are a endangered people group from the last group they exterminated who are escaping persecution when really they committed the persecution that wiped out the last group
& they last exterminated the Israelites & now target Whites
just one little problem. go back to 700 AD
What happened in 700 AD that makes this claim about ancestry wrong?
A lot of the original Israelites converted to Christianity and then a lot of them converted to Islam later
But the Palestinians whether Christain or Muslim have a higher percent biological ancestry from Israel than the Ashkenazi so called Jews
after muhammad, arabs who were now muslims went on a crusade of conquest of other people's land including "palestine" which may have different names depending on who lived there before the arabs invaded. Palestine is not the "palestinians" homeland, arabia is.
Arabia is still closer to Israel than all the Soviet Union and European countries Ashkenazi so called Jews appeared in.
You do not really believe that all white skinned Ashkenazis from European and Soviet Union countries who speak languages like Yiddish that are more European than middle eastern have primary biological ancestry from the sunny desert of Israel do you?
If we can't send them to israel they're going to the jewish Oblast.