Here's a hypothetical along the lines of the The Purge film.

If we nominated 1 city every year to host The Rape Game, where for 24 hours women could freely choose to enter or leave the city with full knowledge that staying means they're going to get raped (no murder/violence), would women turn up?



It is understandable how some might argue that no one has a right to force them to leave that city that they live on on that day or be a victim too such a thing & that they are not at fault if such a thing happened to them for not leaving their own city

But the disturbing thing is how some who do not live there on other days would voluntarily choose to enter

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In this hypothetical, none of those problems exist.

It's all pure uncoerced choice.


Let's say this is not a city where people regularly live in

But a city set up for a once a year event

And it is sorrounded by barricades, warning signs and warning people who are translators in every known human language to prevent people from accidentally entering

A bunch of women but not necessarily all women would still choose to enter

& they would still say that whatever happened there was not their fault

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