Apparently it is true.
I am so disgusted by the simping for these Cunts.

I foolishly hope for the collapse. Knowing I may not survive, myself.

@sardonicsmile Well, I think it's touching because Japan takes its duties as a country very seriously.
I wish they had been a little bit smarter about this though and put her in a boarding school or do classes by zoom.

@Lorgar @sardonicsmile The smarter move is to stop allowing girl Enter work force and wasting they fertily window in collage and Make them starr having babies from 16 years old.


@VeganMGTOW @Lorgar @sardonicsmile

Persons, for instance, within the fourth degree of kindred, a boy before his fourteenth year, and a female before her twelfth, the ages established by law, cannot contract marriage.

This is what the Catechism of the Council of Trent said

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