
When an American soldier in Vietnam killed a superior officer, the term “fragging” came into use. Although the term simply meant that a fragmentation grenade was used in the murder, it later became an all-encompassing term for such actions. Hundreds or thousands of “fraggings” occurred during Vietnam, but the precise number is uncertain.

Anarchy in the age of dinosaurs


@shortstories @VooDooMedic No one fully understands how that war broke this country.

@DC5FAN @VooDooMedic

It happened because the USA sided with the so called Communist USSR instead of Germany during world war 2 enabling Vietnam to be taken over by communists

If USA sided with Germany and defeated the so called communists then so called communists would not have taken power in Vietnam

@shortstories @VooDooMedic So really all roads lead back to WW II and our failure to see who the real enemy was.

@DC5FAN @VooDooMedic

Possibly unless Germany and the USSR were actually both controlled by the same people or sentient beings

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