TFM is wrong when he says the "Cathedral" isn't scared of white nationalism. They're so scared, they don't even allow it and any such group is quickly infiltrated and dealt with. And I'm saying this as someone who has no allegiance to any skin color nor respect for what most white people have become.

Now don't mistake "white nationalism" for "Christ is King" controlled opposition groups, even though zionist agents like Halsey love to draw everyone's attention to the latter, to play the victim.



They do not like nationalism because you can compete and find a nation that treats you less bad

If there is a one world government then potential employees can not try to go to a government with a lower tax rate

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@shortstories Yes, it's all about monopolizing civilization.
And the "white" in white nationalism is also a problem to them. We know they are/were afraid of white people more than any other group and the possibility of them rediscovering their tribal identity, outside of the lgbtq/Left/Right spectrum, would be a big threat to their power.

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