Just because you have seen some Twitter screencaps and random news articles about how "they are admitting that Covid was all a hoax" does not mean that the general public is now aware of this fact. The people you knew before that were hysterical about Covid still think it was a "deadly pandemic" and have no clue that a lot of the "Covid deaths" were padded out numbers by marking everyone with a positive test as a "Covid death" regardless if it even had anything to do with their death.

I personally know people who brought up the idea of getting the next booster shots because "we just don't know how bad this variant will be." What this showed me was that this is not an issue of "seeing the same thing and interpreting it differently." Rather, we are looking at entirely different sources of information and these people have never had real exposure to anything contrary to the legacy media narrative.


So I knew it was a hoax because I studied how cults work from Steven Hassan & other sources

They continually told people to be afraid to look at alternative sources of information

which meant the mainstream media was acting as a cult

I suggest their primary goal was not about vaccines at all but to get people afraid to look at alternative sources of information because they will claim looking at the alternative sources of information spreads the disease through unvaccination


They want people to believe that looking at alternative information spreads a disease so that they can get them to not look at other alternative information that would end the control dynamic that the mainstream media has over the public

It is not government or corporations at the top of rulership but the people who give the scripts to the media

The branches of the media include the education system, the religious institutions, the news, the entertainment

@shortstories @houseoftolstoy "Misinformation" God forbid they consume something that isn't state sanctioned.

@DC5FAN @houseoftolstoy

I am going to suggest the so called State is actually puppets of the media keepers and that the politicians might be actors

And that there job is to trick the police and military into believing the State exists and that it is morally legitimate to be obeyed when actually the State is run by professional actors

The State policies are in response to what the news media claims are problems

And the news media is primarily fiction like Hollywood movies are fiction

@DC5FAN @houseoftolstoy

I would suggest that everything is extremely scripted with a small percent of unscripted news material

It is a combination of Steven Hassan's teaching on brainwashing

Plus Tim Ozman's debunking of the news

Plus vatican Catholic's demonstration that the mainstream media rigs the elections by choosing the numbers

Plus Larken Rose's teaching on how people put faith in government like it is a religion in the most dangerous superstition

@DC5FAN @houseoftolstoy

It does not require any hypnosis but hypnosis can make it more effective and so hypnosis is used

1 Present an idea that someone or something is the source of authority of what is true and false

2 Present a claim that listening to sources that disagree with the first claim will cause bad things to happen

3 Present an idea that obeying the claims by the source of authority will result in good things and disobeying will result in bad things


@DC5FAN @houseoftolstoy

I try to be lawful because a lot of rules protect people but...

I went to a Church group for years and they were all talking about obeying authority figures and I always thought they meant within certain reasonable conditions with possible implied exceptions

Then I discovered they did not meant that at all

They believed every other moral principle was usurped by the principle of obeying authority figures

I just do not go to Churches anymore, they all seem to do that

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Have you considered the successes of every attempted revolution.

We put live ammunition into warm bodies to not end up like Canadians.
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