We should not hate the victims but the victimizes
Orthodox Judaism teaches in Sanhedrin 54b that the victimizer is not liable if the victim is under "nine" years old do a word search for "nine" or "9" in an English translation of Sanhedrin 54b
If you want to prevent people from becoming victims then you must oppose the Orthodox Jewish religion
This is what the Orthodox Jewish texts says in Sanhedrin 54b
"Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse, so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable"
@shortstories I agree with the bible morals are good
The Jewish Sanhedrin 54b contradicts the Christian Old and new testament in Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20, Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, 1 Timothy 1, that ban male homosexual s*x
@shortstories yes men that engage in that behavior suffer negatively for their lifestyle choices. Their lifespan definitely suffers.