Bro, if guys like this, have low T, how is this not a epidemic? cuz society does not care, and it should cuz, this is happening to the sons of the rich as well. they are eating the same foods, just look at Bill Gates unnatural belly. if that was just him fat, his face would have been fat too.



Have you transvestigated Bill Gates

What is the real reason Bill Gates has Gynecomastia in "his" chest

Why does the Baphomet symbol have Gynecomastia

Is the Baphomet a "third gender"

Why does Bill Gates ex wife look like Robin Williams or some other famous male celebrity?

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 1

@shortstories the Baphomet, in my opinion is more sexual, and Bill's is simply the food his pushing head over heels cuz, i don't see Bill having too much sexual encounters.


What if Bill Gates is using his / her / it's own body as a physical symbol to represent Baphomet

@RodrickSage @shortstories If You aware what Meat and Dairy really cotains. Bill Gates burgers arent the real by a far most of the people that wouldnt touch a Bill Gates burgers have low T regarless so I would look the source in what people really consume Meat, Dairy and eggs.

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