What if I told you that anarchy is the only state and government is the result of it? 🤔

@Humpleupagus @freepatriot @MasterSimper

Anomie is the absence of laws
Anarchy is the absence of rulers

Rulers make excuses for breaking rules by maintaining a monopoly on breaking the rules that they say other people should keep

The way you define anarchy just establishes that it's nothing more than an chimera. There is has never been, not will there ever be, such a state as "an absence of rulers."

You also make a severe logical mistake by entailing that a sovereign can break rules. A sovereign cannot. This is law 101. The sovereign is itself not bound by laws.
anarchy used to be considered the furthest right on the political spectrum but a bunch of faggots took it over and made it all leftist and gay. they did the same thing to libertarianism.
I looked into it. Anarchist and leftist have always been kindle intertwined. Indeed libertarianism kinda started as a so left it turned right.

@7235c54512c28918a4dcb0d47aa48709feef5c4be45e85f5672cdc4a9a32a871 @Humpleupagus @freepatriot @MasterSimper @koropokkur

The Hague Congress is famous for the expulsion of the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin for clashing with Karl Marx


Bakunin made a lot of predictions about what would happen if Marxism was implemented

Many things similar to what Bakunin said would happen in Marxism was implemented later happened in the Soviet Union

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Kropotkin, Makhno, Malatesta, Bakunin. I respect these guys because they knew what they're saying about state communism

@fbe5e80ec8db5c439e2582d5799d25e2fe8b958b1edf595a173ae1c8aaf46077 @7235c54512c28918a4dcb0d47aa48709feef5c4be45e85f5672cdc4a9a32a871 @Humpleupagus @MasterSimper @koropokkur @freepatriot

If Bakunin implemented the type of Anarchist ( allegedly left ) economics he proposed would he have lost the excess wealth his noble family had compared to poorer families in order to help other families that are poorer than his?

I am possibly wrongly assuming he came from a rich family


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