Anglin has stated women should be married off at that age. I feel comfortable confirming that without a direct quote.

Yeah cause he wants to lay pipe in 14 year olds
@doctorsex His point is women need to be married off to start having kids once they are fertile. That's a different thing than hedonistic sex.

But, I've engaged with this discussion as much as it made sense to.
Every single retard who has made the "marriage (for the purpose of procreation (sex)) ASAP" has made it abundantly clear time and time again that the actually have no idea how fertility works but yeah I'm sure it's different this time because the guy saying it hates jews enough or whatever
I love how they always do "its not for sex but procreation" do these niggas not know how it works?
@transgrammaractivist @doctorsex An age of consent of 16 seems reasonable for me policy-wise. People are uncomfortable with anything lower these days. I would ask once a woman hits high school and the breasts fill out, what magically changes between 14 and 16 and 16 to 18 to make the idea of courtship and marriage tenable. But 16 is a reasonable compromise, if nothing else to stop the bullshit "pedo" retorts.

Of course, in this Jewed out Satanic hellhole, the entire discussion of lowering the age of consent would not be had with good intent, so I wouldn't support lowering it without getting rid of the Jews. (My understanding, without looking it up, is it would not need to be lowered at all to reach 16 in many cases, both here and abroad, but I don't care to look it up.)

The whole "you're a pedophile" thing for being attracted to a sexually mature female is retarded. It could hardly be argued if more women were becoming committed wives at 14 and starting to have kids, we would not, in fact, get more children being born. The whole stigma just conveniently happens to result in fewer children being born.

The "you want to fuck kids" line is just making a cheap shot with ill intent about a discussion that deserves to be had about why "we" decided having kids in the prime of fertility was a bad idea.

@DailyStormerDigest @transgrammaractivist @doctorsex

If we say it is not legal to marry until X years old then someone will say it is wrong to date or court or talk to someone at X - 1 years old

If you have to court or talk to or date someone for at least 1 year before marrying them

Then whatever marriage age you set as X results in people not marrying until X + 1 years old

The only solution is to officially legalize courting at a younger age than the official legal age of marriage

The only people who get actually bent out of shape if an 18 year old and a 16 year old are together are a contingent of unhinged people who only exist on twitter and people like you who don't know about romeo and juliet laws.

Either way, trying to implement a law like that without first making the cultural changes to bring back courtship and the associated social infrastructure to support it is literally putting the cart before the horse
I mean, do you disagree?
This is like saying murder laws shouldn't exist because people still get killed
With 18 banging 16? No that's pretty close in age. 30 and 16 yeah that's weird
Yeah, and it's also already covered by romeo and juliet laws

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

An 18 year old man dating a 16 year old woman is usually bad

The age gap should usually be much large if the man has had enough time to develop skills & resources to support a family in our current society

The man usually should be at least 23 years old

"A massive new study of online dating finds that everyone dates aspirationally—and that a woman’s desirability peaks 32 years before a man’s does."


@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

Some women are not mature enough to marry at 40 years old

This is primarily because of the type of society they are raised in

There are some men and women who can do Calculus at 12 where as there are other men and women who can not even multiply a one digit number by another one digit number without a Calculator at 40

When people go to pro blind faith in government public school their time is wasted and they are brainwashed

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