@DailyStormerDigest @transgrammaractivist @doctorsex
If we say it is not legal to marry until X years old then someone will say it is wrong to date or court or talk to someone at X - 1 years old
If you have to court or talk to or date someone for at least 1 year before marrying them
Then whatever marriage age you set as X results in people not marrying until X + 1 years old
The only solution is to officially legalize courting at a younger age than the official legal age of marriage
@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest
An 18 year old man dating a 16 year old woman is usually bad
The age gap should usually be much large if the man has had enough time to develop skills & resources to support a family in our current society
The man usually should be at least 23 years old
"A massive new study of online dating finds that everyone dates aspirationally—and that a woman’s desirability peaks 32 years before a man’s does."
@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest
What kind of high paying job can an 18 year old man get? How much saved money would an 18 year old man have? What kind of skills at getting resources would an 18 year old man have?
Child labour laws have delayed the age at which men have working skills. Most men do not know how to farm their own food anymore. The prices of property have sky rocketed due fractional reserve lending. Property tax makes farming not affordable.
@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest
Blue collar route to money or wealth -> Take many years learning a skill
White collar route to money -> Take many years learning a college degree
An 18 year old man simply does not qualify for these things because the starting point to learning a skill or getting a college degree is usually at 18 because most men are not fortunate enough to have parents teach them the family business blue collar skill before they are 18
@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest
You can support both rebuilding infrastructure and also lowering the legal age of marriage. The educational system should be changed first before the legal age of marriage is lowered unless marriageability exams must be passed to get married. Marriageability exams in my opinion are a better method because it prevents people who have reached a certain age but are still not ready to get married from getting married.
@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest
So the thing is in our current society whatever age of marriage is set people are not going to get married until much older than that age
You would have to make it legal and socially acceptable for men to talk to women with the intent of marriage before the legal age of marriage
There is no legal and socially acceptable way for White Christians and White Agnostics and White Atheists to do that
@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest
So should people know each other less than a year and then get married?
If people can not legally talk to people below the legal age of marriage then they can not get married until later than the legal age of marriage unless they marry people that they did not spend much time talking to at all