They can give animals mRNA so called vaccines and call the animal products such as meat, milk, or eggs derived from them organic and non-gmo so I have been trying to eat Vegan
I got sodas which I was hoping would be vegan but they list natural and artificial ingredients
I can not find any soda that does not cost at least twice as much that is claimed to be vegan & or does not list natural and artificial ingredients
At that point I could just buy juice
But I want low filling food
For some reason if I try to drink one gallon of soy milk that makes me feel more full then if I drink a gallon of water plus a big carton of cottage cheese and a big carton of Greek yogurt where the yogurt and cottage cheese have more combined protein than two half gallon cartons of soymilk combined
So basically I was able to get more protein in a vegetarian diet than a vegan diet with the same amount of fluid 1 gallon
It also takes extremely much more time to eat vegan
@shortstories Regular Cheese and yogurt Is just packed estrogens. Oat milk and soy milk Is cheaper and nutritions
So even products that you might think are vegan like soda might not be if they list natural and artificial ingredients but do not say if those natural or artificial ingredients come from animal products