@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat Something i was pondering.
1. No change can happen outside of America. Otherwise, the CIA will intervene and try to overthrow them
2. We have to wait for russia brics china sco to do something
3. If amercians try to form groups to rebel, they will be infiltrated and glowniggers everywhere
4. We can do nothing to stop the spread of the jewish influence anything because of 3.
Isn't this just one big massive "won't someone not me do something"

@Tfmonkey is there some solutions that allow us to live with the value of freedom or is there truly nowhere to run?

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey I guess the solution for now is to stay as far away from people as you can. And the FBI niggers may still come after you if you talk too much shit. Until the average normie comes to the conclusion that the gov has to ho nothing will change.

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