Trying to square the circle of Search claiming to be friendly, yet blocking you off when you use or a 🤦‍♂️

@tournel why use startpage when you can use duckduckgo, it basically does the same thing

@37712 DuckDuckGo censors politically unacceptable results and works with WEF for their propaganda. 😦

I mostly use Brave search and Mojeek anyway

@tournel stratpage does exactly the sameas duckduckgo, they both censor information because duckdickgo works by using bing search results while startpage uses google search results, basically same shit different name

@tournel brave is i dependent search site but is they love censorship best site that does not do censorship and is also an ok web browser is yandex. Problem it is russian and not that great.

@37712 @tournel yandex is great, I've used it exclusively for a couple of years. Russian comes up but isn't a big problem, next to
1. it has long-dead websites as search results sometimes
2. it demands a captcha much more often than other search engines, although it's a classic recaptcha "type these two words" style, and not google's punitive "click boats 20 times in a row"

@apropos @37712
I'll add Yandex. I'll just keep my barely used Yandex mail account isolated on another browser LOL

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