I just got roasted by everyone I told about this so please vote.

Is it gay for a single guy to have a minivan?

@basedbagel I wonder why?

Was your minivan cheap to buy?

Do you need to have bigger trunk?

Or you need bigger car for comfort?

@Stahesh Well I haven't bought it yet because everyone in my inner circle roasted me telling me people would think I was gay.

Minivans these days are basically covered trucks so I didn't see what the big deal was.

I wanted a minivan because it was cheap and the trunk was big enough to fit things like a bike.

I'm also interested in a bigger car for comfort/road presence

@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel

I would say same

Fuck normies.

Why not go for the car that normie see as bad so not many people want them and can be acquired cheaply.

I personally think minivan is better than combi for some reason I fucking hate design of combi.

Fuck normies that want to give you advice on brands and models

Because they will buy sedan BMV or audi to look cool with large engine

Later they will waste so much money on repairs because the cars are overengineered with BS

@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @Stahesh Yup

Problem is a huge amount of the

Refuse to learn
Refuse to be deprogrammed
Refuse to accept we have all been lied too about everything

So many refuse to give up on

Central banks
Digital Fait
Mobile phones
Windows , Microsoft Office
Bling, google, apple

Most refuse to look into

Fasting, Ketovore, OMAD , Init Fasting

Most still belive Pokes arnt posion
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