Currently seeing British email jobs workers on X claiming that they don’t need steel to fight Russia.
The YooKay has recently shutdown its last steel plants. The Chinese
owners of “British” Steel shutdown those plants.
X link:
Nitter links:
Elon's SpaceX Starship:
Starship booster landing at launch tower, closeup and in slo mo.
#Space #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk
"Where are all the transitional fossils between man and ape?"
The living transitional fossils are right here! One can go on safari right now. #niggers #evolution #creation #creationism #God #MissingLinksNoticed a pattern, online and in real life (IRL), that certain social classes are amazed by what Elon's #SpaceX is doing, and other social classes have low appreciation or even contempt for SpaceX.
Factory technicians and engineers, as well as Appalachian farmers, military grunts, and military technicians... are amazed at SpaceX.
While HR, lawyers, and other scribe classes have contempt for Space and SpaceX.
The 1st I saw this pattern was on Jim's Blog comment section (ContaminatedNEET).
"Escapist fantasies amount to little more than larp"
You're an office worker who doesn't know how the real physical world works. No military or industrial experience.
You actually thought a war of extermination would be cheap.
“Yes, I rejoice in the death of all tradition. Imagine being a fucking farmer peasant, which is what all of us would be.”
“Screw that.”
Why should the White man limit himself to being forgotten peasant farmers, when he is capable of greater deeds and feats?
“I will seriously lobby to execute Moon landing deniers.”
In the age of cheap fully reusable rockets launching on a daily basis, the proper execution would be vaporization via orbital drop on Earth, and the airlock for those Moon Landing deniers who live off the Earth.