The structure of ZOG: Mossad (jew Team B) put explosives in pagers and walkie talkies. Taking out dozens of people, and injuring thousands. If they can do that to the Lebanese people, they can do it to the cellphones of jew Team A's ballot stuffing mules in the 2024 US Presidential Election. #ZOG #elections #israel #jews #Lebanon #Hezbollah

Falcon 9 booster B1067 lands for the 22nd time.
(Galileo L13 was the mission for this launch).

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Falcon9 #Starship #ElonMusk

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I'm still thunderstruck that opposing the idea that we can't possibly win in our lifetime's is controversial.
@thefinn The pig system is very fragile. As a resident of the empire I can tell you they are shit scared. Many things could have been done if they were confident in 2021, including internal covid passports and locking leftist control of the Senate forever with D.C. and Puerto Rican statehood.

They didn't dare.
The structure of ZOG: A reminder that the managerial USG in DC and NYC has almost nothing in common with the Constitutional Republic founded by real Americans in 1789 AD. #jews #USG #ZOG #ManagerialClass
@DEERBLOOD Prove Whites can't win.

Have you ever been diagnosed with depression?
'God wins' style Christianity is a call to inaction.

The connecting building between the Starfactory (left) and the SpaceX office building (right).

The structure of ZOG:

Team A jews have antifa amateur assassins, helped by their pawns in the FBI/DOJ/DHS.
Team B jews have actual professional assassins from Murder, Inc.

So that's why we know that jew Team A has tried to assassinate Trump twice.

If jew Team B wanted Trump gone, they would've use non-DEI lawfare to remove him. They wouldn't have had to rely on their Murder, Inc.

@DrBtc Technology can absolutely solve the African problem.
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