@UncleIroh bc, if we come back to 6 yrs old with all of our knowledge we can make much more than 10 million, just with bitcoint knowledge alone we can make much more than that. But we could also make new experiences, fuck more girls in their prime, make better business and carrer decisions etc.


The amount of fun I'd have using my knowledge for profit and lolz would be off the scale. Endless W's.

However, the real W *might* be in the emotional and spiritual wisdom I retain. All that insight could help me avoid the major L's of my life. I get to sidestep trauma in my own timeline & improve relationships.

Questions: What if I gain materially but HAVE to suffer & get scarred by all the same loss & emotional bullshit? Is losing the people I love all over again still a W?

@UncleIroh not sure, if they matter that much then why noy make a friendship with them again, also it is not lost

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