Earlier today, I looked at the last few days of recommends in my vids feed and "Piers Morgan & Andrew Tate" came up a bunch.
Here's the link: youtube.com/watch?v=VGWGcESPlt

So, against my usual judgment I watched it.

Verdict? Tate not only has great debate skills, he also has infinite patience and a practical grasp of Strategy. This wasn't an interview, it was an interrogatoin. Dude still killed it.

I predict he made a net gain of followers as a result.


@UncleIroh I saw the video and I thought it was pretty good but even he crumbled when asked of women are property, amd he takes it back and cant bring himself to say yes.

@37712 No blame there. Literally no-one could survive saying that.

On the other hand he hinted that he has 2 wives, so it's clear what he really thinks.

The Youtube comments are gold.

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