The right will always lose because they don't understand self-preservation.

The left turns a blind eye rioters and looters so long as it's on their side.

The right is so dickless/stubborn that they REFUSE to realize that what happened to the jan 6th protestors is a preview of what they want to do to ALL OF US.


@basedbagel nope, the right will always lose because the dont have the balls to wage the type of brutal violence that is needed to win a war while the left has no problem doing everything and anything to destroy the right, no act of evil is bad enough for them to no do on the right. Historocally the side that always wins is the one that is the most violent and brutal against its oposition. The left will always win and if you look at history, the left has generally always won.


I don't think it will get to that point because the right has no balls as their anti-revolutionary by nature.

They're going to line up on orderly fashion and enter the bug 🐛 pods because of muh principles bs.

They may as well change the name of the party to dickless punching bag of the left

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