@Tfmonkey what games did you play on bluestacks any reccomendations? really sorry to hear what happened with your hard drive. i do recommend getting a new one as hard drives do wear down and fail over time, you wouldn't want it to happen again. even if it works again after a reformat there's no telling its future reliability.


@Pain66 @Tfmonkey I am surprised that TFM being a microsoft dick sucker did not use onedrive to backup is important personal and work files.

@Tfmonkey @37712 maybe he didn’t want a Google drive situation where they lock people accounts and make certain files they deem problematic inaccessible.

@37712 @Pain66 I use Google Drive for the files related to my online persona, but my hard drive was for my personal stuff like pictures, documents, etc. I don't want those floating on the internet where they could be hacked or released.

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