@basedbagel can we get a picture or something? What made u change your mind.
@basedbagel dont really see what is so great about her sorry
@37712 Lol no need to apologize I'm not in love.
I just didn't get why guys were hyping up asian women so much.
They're still not my preference but after seeing a couple asian girls in real life.. Let's just say I get it now lol
@basedbagel I would never say no to asian women, they are the most femenine and friendly girls but many of them are just as fake and whores as western women. I just did not see what was so great about this one.
@37712 I mostly agree. I think Asian women's biggest selling point is being high IQ (for women), feminine and aging pretty well
Of course they're still women so the fakeness is par for the course.
I just used her as an example because she was the 1st to come to mind.
Asians still aren't my thing but now I can al least see where they're coming from
@37712 https://www.picuki.com/profile/withlove.sandra