@zebuceta @Tfmonkey I think that the way to fix this would be to make it so that they would have to be net taxpayer, current military or veteran, and he must have no foreigner family ties, for example, they cant be married to a foreigner, they cant be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation immigrants. and it would also be helpful if we have a state religion and make it so that they must be followers of the state religion.

@37712 @zebuceta For the hundredth time: There will STILL be separation of powers with a net taxpayer voter system. Only the HOUSE is elected by net taxpayers. The Senate is appointed by the states, and the President is elected by veterans and those who are draft eligible (no cripples or fatties).

If the Net Taxpayers tried to corrupt the system, they would have to convince the veterans, the Senate, and the Supreme Court to all go along with it.


@Tfmonkey @zebuceta ok monkey calm down, this is the first I hear about your separation of powers idea and I have been listening to you almost religiously

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