I would like to see the Right stop worshipping cops and the military.

For those who still have access to the mainstream, see if you can spread the idea that the Right needs to drop the "back the blue" and "thank you for your service" shit until the cops/military stop "following orders".

All the laws the government passes are just letters to Santa Claus without the police and military to enforce them.

Bro, you dont understand. We only back the good cops, the ones that will decide to upheld a random strangers freedom instead of keeping their paycheck. Please bro, dont spread this anticop rhetoric.

@robbie @Tfmonkey

You either have a price or line and what is left of the police state is full of nothing but mercenaries looking for a paycheck.

Why do you think they don't hire people with too high of an IQ? They want drones who follow orders. These cops you back will absolutely kill you if given the order.

Wake up, bro.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @robbie I'm pretty sure he's being sacrastic. This is the fediverse, not Reddit.

Thanks for the wake up call, but yeah.

In actuallity, i do know a couple of solid guys that are cops, but once the uniform goes on, im not really interested in being chummy.

Very small town dweller tho, so the dynamic can be a little different than the cities
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