@37712 @Tfmonkey

Yes, but he wasn't lying to his people. :hitler_grin:

@LivingSpaceStudios @Svantovit @Tfmonkey actuallt he was, no guns for the ppl allowed l, cant own gold, home schooling is illegal, you guys really need to catch up, there is a reason why TFM does not want to live in a nazy country and neither would any of you. You dont know what you are asking for. No freedom of speech, no safety from searches and seizures etc.

@37712 @LivingSpaceStudios @Tfmonkey

We have freedom of speech?

Is this in Florida where you can't insult jews? Or, is this in Texas, where you can't boycott Israel, if Hurricane Harvey destroyed your home?

Are you referring to the podcasts I have to jump through multiple hoops just to listen to for entertainment, while any retard can listen to their nonsense in 2 taps?

Are you referring to small voices like Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren having their accounts frozen by Wells Fargo for like 7 years or something...for simply acknowledging jewish hands in the migrant crisis?

Are you referring to the agency that sends out "counselors" to the parents of dead white children to ensure they won't 'make it about race' in their press conferences?

Soft power is still power.

@Svantovit @Tfmonkey @LivingSpaceStudios yes I am refering exactly to that but multiply the difficulty and danger by 1000

@37712 @Tfmonkey @LivingSpaceStudios

With free swimming pools, orchestras, football fields, AND rollercoasters!
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