@Tfmonkey The moment i understood the weakness of my TPE, it disgusted me.

@PapaPole @Tfmonkey

TFM you should have someone do a adeptus machanicus celestina miniature for your nerd board games it would be awesome


@Tfmonkey @PapaPole maybe I missed it but none of those models look like adeptus celestina.

@37712 @PapaPole They're all naked women, but my FDM printer can't make that fine of detail. I tried printing one once and you could barely tell.

@Tfmonkey @PapaPole I know there are websites that you can request they print a miniature for you if you happen to be interested.

@BiggusDiccus @PapaPole @37712 FDM is good enough for gaming. If you want to make little art statues, you can use resin, or you can just buy kits from someone who charges less than Games Workshop.

Note that FDM works great on large models like vehicles and terrain.

@Tfmonkey @BiggusDiccus @PapaPole I get you point. I guess that if I was into miniature games like you I would totally have a high quality and high resolution celestina resin character that I would play with.

@37712 @BiggusDiccus @PapaPole You can get affordable plastic minis that aren't Games Workshop for $5 a pop. A resin printer isn't needed unless you're printing pirated Games Workshop models, and that's only important if you want to play in official tournaments with an "illegal" army.

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