Does this loser really think that's how anything works?
Like I could send him a DM like "By viewing this post you hereby and hitherto and forgoing and agree that you must sendeth me all the money in thine bank account" and all he can do is throw his hands up and send it?
Or will the rules suddenly change like kids playing tag like "nuh uh I'm not it, this tree is base now!"
And fuck trump too, but I thought this was pretty funny, I am still voting for biden and so should you.
Hunter biden getting exposed by the Russian media
Trump is all jewed up
Happy member of the MGTOW community and for the purpose of taking advantage of all the sweet sweet gender and diversity employment quotas that many employers are required to follow, I legally identify as a masculine presenting transgender lesbian woman (He/Him)
Laws that protect only women, now also protect me as well \ (•◡•) /
I also identify as an African, Person Of Color, because I says so, legally all you need to identify as a member of any race is to simply say that you are of that race