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this is the problem with any "NAxALT" is that the argument is always for things that make the vast majority that "ALT" even more poisonous.
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Lol. Scott Ritter just detailed his AIPAC offer near the end of this recent video. Time stamp is around 151:00.

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so it turns out calling things "gay" because they're bad is literally an etymological repeat of how the word "bad" was invented in the first place
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The absolute best place right now on the internet to see the state of Democrat+Deep State panic is Reddit.

Even the typical Progressive normiefag morons have caught on in the last week that it's a DNC astroturfed shitshow populated by 90% bots.

The whole facade is crumbling.

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Trump has sent his favored son to Nippon to pay respects to Abe's grave until the election is over to return the favor

True besties
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.