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Now it's not only anti-white hate, but now they're starting to talk about deporting the people they don't like.
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the mainstream "right wing extremist" in austria is literally a homo. Leader of the AfD in Germany is also a lesbo. This is all a farce
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Im probably going to decide to join the army if you fuckers are serious about nuking europe. Im going to kill anyone who tells me he's american. :pepe_ghost:
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We’re at the “eating pets is a good thing” stage of talmudic obfuscation.

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@Terry The redpill on 90% of aid orgs, charities, and NGOs/non-profits is they’re a white-funded looting operation. Basically the same for the federal government.
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This is literally where the government is spending a trillion dollars every 3 months.

They feed their people at the NGOs, they "increase the GDP", and they keep the economy afloat while harming poor whites. What isn't there for them to love
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Via @TheMagaHulk on Twitter.

"This factory owner in Springfield, Ohio is the face of evil.
Throughout the interview, he shits on locals, mocks their drug addictions, and hopes for even more Haitians to flood the town."
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"Her administration has imported more feral niggers than any other, when I was in the White House we had a big beautiful wall and all the niggers had the platinum plan, and all of our wonderful ducks, our great American ducks..."

"This man is a convicted felon, an insurrectionist and a..."

"...Cat-Eating Kalamba here, she's getting rid of all the ducks, she's replacing the ducks with niggers, it's so sad, it's so sad for our great American niggers, the heart of our nation..."


"...and she hates Israel, I love Israel so much, I really do,"

"No, I love Israel more!"

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seems like someone should find that kind soul that is renting his houses to those poor migrants and let everyone know what a great person they're being
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A club for red-pilled exiles.