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I wonder how ZOG is going to play this. They can't have Biden begin a war with Iran before the election, so he would have to start the next day (a military build up) (it would be the lame duck session of congress, too). If Trump wins, he'll claim he didn't start it, "BUT I'LL FINISH IT!!" . This way Trump has a fig leaf to hide behind for serving the NEOCON endless war agenda...
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I wonder if there is a cat lady to reichfrau pipeline that is "I have to be a fascist to let my kitties outside? Sign me up"
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the key, if you do this, is to make the rounding a good sounding number, but rounded enough to trigger people.
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Conservatives couldn't even conserve pond ducks in countryside ohio
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Tags: stats, crime, interracial_crime, usa, america, violent_crime
Source: The booru is down for now
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>Gets pranked in public
>Immediate knee jerk reaction is to break things and pull out firearms
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The Haitians get dumped anywhere that will take them, and that's a very small number of places. Also politically you're better off ditching them in a red state that you've written off entirely, ideally in a single city. If you divide the 20k and put 1000 per in 20 states you risk generating a broader backlash.

The Springfield situation went viral because Haitians are so toxic that they managed to cross the one line Whites still hold - the sanctity of kittens.
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