
@Mr_Mister @dander better learn the language first. I don't know Russia but my guess is they will have zero chill for English speaking westerners who don't at least put forth a good faith effort to assimilate.

@BHG oh I already have a few books in different languages at my house. I can just study at any time. There’s also apps like Duolingo that I’ve used.

@Mr_Mister Smart move. As for me, I still think very rural America is probably my least shitty option. There are still huge swaths of land here you can fuck off to if you're willing to deal with nature bullshit. We're not there yet, but if push comes to shove, that's my plan.

@BHG I was thinking of going to one of the northern states. Unfortunately they’re being flooded with immigrants like Maine and Minnesota.

@Mr_Mister If you've never been through "fly over country" I suggest driving there. You have no idea how vast these places are until you drive across country. America is a HUGE place and most people are concentrated on the coasts and around a few major inland cities (Denver, Chicago, KC, etc). There still lots of places to disappear to.

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