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Keepin that pimp hand strong.

Guy “Do you love me baby?”
Ditzy blonde “Mmm, yeah. A whole bunch.”
Guy “Well how much is a whole bunch?”
Ditzy blonde “I don’t know.”
Guy “This much!!?” Slaps girl across face.

“Slap of Love” The Vandals

I didn't agree with Rush on everything but I do remember him saying that feminism was just a means to give unattractive women access to the mainstream or something like that. He also did caller abortions. He was funny and the left reeeeeeeeee'd back then too.

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Aaron Clary is shocked, SHOCKED that he's on a watch list. Notably absent from the list, @Tfmonkey , Dick Masterson, The Great One, Himself, Frank Cervi, and many others. Friends, this is nothing new. Rush Limbaugh's followers were called ditto heads back in the day and their opponents called them mind numbed robots who just followed dear leader. The only difference is the other side has the internet and government jobs now. They're the same retards, though.

BTW - it helps if you're at least reasonably proficient in another language and have the financial means to actually do it. She could call your bluff anyway if she thinks you're not serious.

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Pro Tip : If you're in a cheaper to keep her situation, make it abundantly clear that if she divorce rapes you, you will leave the country and never come back before you remain enslaved to her for the rest of your life. It's amazing how quickly their attitude will change once they realize the gravy train has brakes that she hadn't considered.

Not saying this will work for everyone, but so far it has worked for me.

Also note : you will not lose your US passport over alimony. Only child support

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Just found out yesterday that this movie existed. It came out in 2013 and stars Joaquin Phoenix. It's about a guy and his waifu. I figured I'd share with the group because it was about 10 years ahead of it's time so a lot of you guys may not have heard of it. I didn't. Definitely going to check it out soon.

Never forget - the US government does not have a monopoly on stupidity. If the west doesn't collapse, it will be because other governments are even more dumberer

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Iran responds to statement by Biden Administration regarding its attack on israel.

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Random thing I was thinking about this morning : obesity took off like a rocket starting in the early to mid 2000's. Coincidentally, the government started cracking down hard on smoking around the same time (sin taxes, banning them in public places, taking them out of movies/tv, etc). For all their faults, cigarettes are a potent appetite suppressant. Did we as a society simply trade lung cancer in your 60's-70's for a lifetime of diabetes? Sounds like something the government would do.

Things we used to casually sing out loud in the 1990s that would probably get you debanked today...

I heard @Tfmonkey talking on a recent upload about how Switzerland ended like 500 years of neutrality over the Russia thing. The Swiss have been headed down this path since the 2000's when they cucked to the US/EU and changed their banking secrecy laws. They also joined the UN in 2002. You'll never guess what happened in the 1970's in Switzerland...

Talk about a chad move. The GF turns 28 and is obviously putting on weight. So he convinces her to kill herself because muh depression or something. Not all heroes wear capes.

I know there are a lot of anime enthusiasts here and this is probably old news to a lot of you, but if you haven't seen the english dub version of Ghost Stories, I recommend. It's hillarious.

Trigger warning : one of the kids is a Jew.

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Today's multimillion dollar idea that I'm giving away for free : DignifAIRL - like Google glasses but with DignifAI built in so that the non-insane among us can navigate clown world without having to look at these people. You can even have settings (1950's, 1980's, 1990's, etc) and DLC extras for racists (get rid of the brown people), anarchists (turn government buildings into rubble), etc.

You're welcome.

Ever have one of those days where you have half a headache and don't feel like lifting/exercising? Try doing this between sets. It's not a panacea but it usually provides enough relief to get through the next set. Also works in general but I find it really useful on exercise days.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.