@Tfmonkey Saddest show in a while... I was disappointed with the lack of a response from Iran/Russia, but if you're right, then we're all fucked. Our lives/deaths won't have any meaning, we won't rebuild anything and humanity will be enslaved for generations. Unironically, this might be our best bet in such a scenario: youtube.com/watch?v=cEMXp1HlzU
But at this point I'm already expecting the sun to cuck out too.

@Based_Accelerationist Oh well, back to my plan of building a homestead in the woods and hoping for the best.

@Tfmonkey @Based_Accelerationist I’m honestly a little shocked people though Russia, the ones who cucked on their own people for 5+ years, or China, the ones who still haven’t pulled the trigger on Taiwan were going to do anything.


@anonymous @Tfmonkey I mean, Russia was the only country (with a big enough army and nukes) to stand up to the US. I don't trust China at all, but it's not because of Taiwan. They were smart to play it slow, as it allowed the US to weaken itself with all these wars and bad economic policies. It's way easier for them to take Taiwan now, than it would have been a few years ago.
In any case, Russia and China COULD easily win this, IF don't cuck out.

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@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey Mostly agreed. Though at this point they both know the US is completely hamstrung so waiting is just a fools errand at this point. I suppose they might still win it all in the end, but at what price? I suppose we’ll see.

@anonymous @Tfmonkey Yes, they have a small timeframe to make a move. If they don't, BRICS is a nothing burger and everyone will submit to the one party that isn't afraid to use violence, the US.

Obviously there's something going on here that none of us know. Either Russia/Iran are making a 4D chess move OR they're somehow part of the Cathedral. There's a 0% chance that they didn't know the US would threaten WW3 and weren't prepared for it.

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