I hate when people try dismiss my arguments by taking things to extreme.

Me: If a critical mass of us refuse the vax, they'll have to drop the mandate. Just say no

Normie: Oh so you're asking me to lose my job, get divorced and have my kids starved for some conspiracy theory?

NO you braindead normie I'm asking you to stand for something for once in your life!

I'm beginning to think all persuasion is pointless, just get power and force people to do the right thing.

@basedbagel 99% of them are lying when they say their kids were going to starve. The vast majority could've afforded to look for a job on the side. And even if they couldn't, they still made their choice to sacrifice the long term for the short term. Maybe their kids will eat better now, but they'll be slaves in the future.
The only thing normies will stand up for, is their collective safety. They'll wear the jackboots and send you to the camps.

You can't persuade the weakness out of people.

"You can't persuade the weakness out of people."

Damn that's a good one-liner @Based_Accelerationist I'm stealing that.

I understand people had debt and obligations but It disturbed me how little resistance people put up.

For me:

I lost out on my dream job
Unemployed for 3 months
Estranged by friends/family
Got into credit card debt

None of that took any military might, but it did take courage.

I can't look at anyone the same anymore. They're all so pathetic to me


@basedbagel People like you are the reason I hope there were no placebos (except for children and those in risk groups). You sacrificed a lot of things for your rights, while everyone else bent the knee and enforced the tyranny (passively or actively).

I hope you make it in the collapse, you deserve it. If nothing else, at least you won't have VAIDS or SADS.

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