If the 1"9th ammendment was ratified in 1920

But the Federal Reserve Act was ratified in 1913 then

Women's right to vote is not the cause of the problem because something else happened before 1913 leading up to the federal reserve act

What was the cause of the federal reserve act?

What group of families benefited the most from the federal reserve act and what do those families have in common?

How were the campaigns for women's right to vote funded?

@shortstories Absolutely, women's empowerment is just a symptom of the problem.

TFM likes to say that everything is solved by taking women's rights away. And yes, that is true, except you can't take their rights away without the government going to war against you. And who controls the US government? Israel.

But Jewish supremacy is also a symptom, the disease are the weak men who enforce the tyranny and fight their wars.
The problem is the 99% and only a deadly global reset can solve that.


They fight wars for Jews because zionist so called Christian pastors brainwashed them

Even the Ultramontane Pope Francis Roman Catholic Church talks about how Jews are victims of unjust anti-semitism and the Roman Catholic Church is the largest Church in the world

This makes Roman Catholics feel guilty & blindly obey people who tell them they are of Jewish ancestry or religion

They instill information phobia that another holocaust will happen if Jews deeds are exposed


Taking away women's right to vote will not solve anything if the people who set up the fractional reserve banking system are still in charge

Taking away women's right to vote would just mean the media would rig the claim for how men voted if the media still gets to proclaim who won the election

The root problems are faith in media, faith in governments, faith in corporations, faith in clergy, faith in money

Out of all of these faith in media is the most dangerous


@shortstories Yes, voting is now pointless, but taking women's rights away means we would have gender roles and they'd leave the workplace. It would solve the birthrate problem and masculinize society (which is why it would NEVER be allowed to happen).
Now, would getting women out of the way be enough? No, we still have the weak men to deal with. Faith isn't the problem, weakness is. Few have faith in the US dollar/government/media but the weak love their golden cage, they're nothing without it.

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