This Wednesday show was pretty entertaining, but I still think the funniest "fact check" we got from Halsey had to be the hospital that Israel totally did not bomb. Also, I believe Halsey's outfit needs an update:


Someone named fakeologist is claiming no people are dying on both sides

That all Palestinian and all Israeli deaths are fake

And that somehow both Palestinians and Jews are benefitting from a fake war

He has also claimed the footage was of explosions near by a hospital or only damaging a small portion of the outside of a hospital without killing anyone

I presume also that buildings can be destroyed with no one in them and rebuilt using funds gathered from two teams


@shortstories I wouldn't entertain such claims. There's always someone saying everything's fake, even easily provable subjects like space and evolution aren't safe. I still remember when people were saying no one was dying in Ukraine and that the war footage was all actors and special effects. Both sides are full of psyops and wannabe priests.

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