"Late stage capitalism" = the government is hopelessly corrupt and the only solution is more government.

If corporations controlled the government, the richest man on Earth (Elon Musk) would have forced the government to embrace free speech instead of having to travel to Israel and watch propaganda films to get his advertisers back when the Jews took his shoes away.

What do you call it when we give Israel billions in foreign aid that they use to bribe our politicians? Capitalism?


@Tfmonkey "Late stage" implies this is the inevitable end result of capitalism, it blames corruption on capitalism. Late stage, crony, corporate, what leftists really mean is "evil capitalism", but they know better than to be so upfront.

People who think corporations control the government, fail to realize that power>money.

As for Elon, he's always been in the club. His family is in it, he's the face of EVs/brain chips and during the pandemic, he reassured us that the "science is unequivocal"

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