With it being international harmony day let us all remember that white is the best colour

@VooDooMedic If you truly believe white is the best color, then you need to learn how to argue your case. Halsey knows how to promote his ideas, he knows Jewish history enough to be able to manipulate it to his side.

That is much more powerful than sharing memes and casually saying "John Cena went through a Jewish humiliation ritual" without backing it up. You're not helping your cause at all. If it wasn't for October 7th, TFM would have no reason to entertain the idea of a Jewish problem.

@Based_Accelerationist alright then give me the evidence and the information to push back against it, I agree with you I don't have a fundamental history knowledge so instead of just saying "do better" help a brother out


@VooDooMedic I'll help you with what I have. I'm not a scholar either, I'm learning this stuff too bit by bit and up until recently I also thought it was a "globalist/communism issue" first and not about Jews.

For starters, here's a few links I only recently began saving, regarding international Jewry:

Look up Paideia, so you know who they are.


Nixon and Gaddafi:

Part 1 of 4

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@VooDooMedic Now, specifically about Halsey and Israel, you were right about the US helping create Israel. But Halsey laughed it off and said it was actually created as soon as the Balfour agreement and that Jews just naturally moved there. That isn't true. Yes, the agreement indirectly led to the creation of modern Israel much, much later, but the state of Israel was only created with the help of the US after WW2 and for the reasons you had mentioned.

Part 2 of 4

@VooDooMedic They didn't all organically migrate to Palestine either. It was Britain that granted Jews someone else's country and sent them there. Then Halsey claims it wasn't zionists, but evangelicals pulling the strings and sending Jews to Israel to fulfill some doomsday prophecy. Now, if you go to Wikipedia and see the actual Balfour declaration, you'll see the document is addressed to Jacob Rothschild (Jew) and says "declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations".

Part 3 of 4

@VooDooMedic Israel is a zionist aspiration, it is not an organic gathering of Jews by any means, it caused massive wars with the locals, it's not evangelicals pulling the strings and if Halsey supports it, he is by definition a zionist.

Here's Jacob gloating over paving the way for the creation of Israel:


And here's a small clip from a show TFM watches, that shows George Galloway debunking, on live TV, the likes of Halsey:


Part 4 of 4

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