With it being international harmony day let us all remember that white is the best colour

@VooDooMedic If you truly believe white is the best color, then you need to learn how to argue your case. Halsey knows how to promote his ideas, he knows Jewish history enough to be able to manipulate it to his side.

That is much more powerful than sharing memes and casually saying "John Cena went through a Jewish humiliation ritual" without backing it up. You're not helping your cause at all. If it wasn't for October 7th, TFM would have no reason to entertain the idea of a Jewish problem.

@Based_Accelerationist alright then give me the evidence and the information to push back against it, I agree with you I don't have a fundamental history knowledge so instead of just saying "do better" help a brother out


@VooDooMedic Finally, I recommend you speak to other people here, they have more sources than I can offer. Follow people like Vincent James on Bitchute. And don't jump to conclusions on TFM's show, or else they'll use it against you.

Cena was likely just paid to do that stunt. Have you noticed how men are always naked on modern shows, whereas the women aren't? You see dicks left and right, but not a single vagina. It's global homo, Cena is part of that industry, he's a Hollywood actor.

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@Based_Accelerationist yes I do realise he was paid to do it but just like all the men in dresses and gay homo shit it's all just an undermining of our masculinity as a whole by portraying us as one of 3 characters of men
1. The stupid idiot who needs a woman to save him from himself

2. The naive dope who pines after woman and never gets anywhere but still is hopelessly devoted to his E-girl

3. The Abuser / bad boy / drug dealer / broken S.O.B who can only be fixed by plain Jane superwoman

@VooDooMedic Yes, you're correct, they have to portray men as losers and expendable pieces of meat.

And Hollywood is completely run by Jews as well, so it's not as if they aren't involved.
It's just that when you approach these topics in an overly bombastic manner "Jewish humiliation ritual" it rubs TFM the wrong way and you'll immediately lose him. Halsey is usually more subtle and it works better, except when he loses his temper and goes off the rails.

@Based_Accelerationist I'll read up on all these sources btw I really need to get Kevin McDonalds "The culture of critique"

@VooDooMedic Alright, the videos I sent aren't too long (no need to watch that Jimmy Dore clip to the end, the latter half is just fluff). But I recommend researching the Balfour agreement as Halsey likes to talk about it, as if it's a good thing and the more you know, the more easily you can counter his points.

Anyway, I don't mean to insult anyone with my comments, I'm just tired of hearing Halsey sugarcoat Israel's history and Zionist influence.

@Based_Accelerationist and I 100% appreciated and I don't take offence to it at all I understand that I'm completely ignorant for most of the topic points that he brings up so I'm uninformed but I'm not retarded so send me everything and I'll look over it

@VooDooMedic Alright, I think the sources I sent are enough for their purpose. They're the kind of sources I like, easily verifiable, as opposed to tall tales that no one can prove.

Btw, regarding the Balfour Declaration, I meant to say Lionel Walter Rothschild, not Jacob. Jacob wasn't even alive back then. But in the video where they talk about creating Israel, it's Jacob speaking.

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